About this project
This garden belongs to a newly constructed family home. With the patio and hard landscaping elements already completed we were engaged to design the soft landscaping and planting elements. The clients required a private space that would also cater for their teenage children. A large lawn provided a multifunctional area for sports. Pyracantha Red Column forms the backdrop to the garden while also improving security, offers year-round interest and improves biodiversity within the garden.
The other boundaries are augmented by Photonia Red Robin in order to provide privacy. The Photonia changes slightly with the seasons going from reddish green to a bright red. We included other wildlife friendly plants within the garden which require a basic level of horticultural knowledge to look after. English Lavander repeated throughout the garden along with the Pyrachanta and Photonia adds scent when they are in flower.
In recent years we have replaced box hedges with Euonymus Fortunei in order to provide structure to the garden during the winter months. All of these soft landscaping elements come together to set off the Sambucus Nigra which provides height within the borders.